Živosrebrna pot
Cesto, ki poveže Idrijo z Vrhniko zgradijo okrog leta 1508, kmalu po odkritju živega srebra (1493) in je do leta 1721 edina cestna povezava iz Idrije. Namenjena je za oskrbovanje rudnika z lesom, opremo, živili ter tovorjenju živosrebrne rude v svet. Speljejo jo od gradu Gewerkenegg v Idriji čez Kovačev Rovt do Zaplane in Vrhnike. (VEČ >>>).
The Mercury Path
The road connecting Idrija with Vrhnika was built around 1508, soon after the discovery of mercury (1493), and until 1721 it was the only road connection from Idrija. It is intended to supply the mine with timber, equipment, food and the transport of mercury ore to the world. It is taken from the Gewerkenegg castle in Idrija across Kovačev Rovt to Zaplana and Vrhnika. (MORE >>>).
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