Promet do prve cesarske ceste (1728)

Rimske ceste med Emono in Akvilejo nezadržno propadajo in tovor med Vrhniko in Ljubljanico se začne preusmerjati na Ljubljanico. Na Vrhniki preložijo tovor z ladij oziroma čolnov na konjske hrbte (in obratno) in ga tovorijo proti Trstu. Močno se razmahne tudi mlinarstvo, saj je tovor moke dražji od tovora žita in lažje prenese velike stroške tovorjenja na daljše razdalje. (več >> >)

Traffic to the first imperial road (1728)

The Roman roads between Emona and Aquileia are deteriorating uncontrollably and the cargo between Vrhnika and Ljubljanica is beginning to be redirected to the Ljubljanica. In Vrhnika, they transfer cargo from ships or boats to horse backs (and vice versa) and load it towards Trieste. Milling is also booming, as a load of flour is more expensive than a load of grain and it is easier to bear the high costs of loading over long distances. (more >>>).


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